
New Timings for #WPMeta Twitter Chat

Yes, finally we are back for second round of #wpmeta Twitter chat with New Timing.

In last round, We tried a couple of different dates and times. As mentioned in Hurdles we faced in #wpmeta round 1, we moved from Monday to Tuesday. Tuesday was feasible and worked for many, but the timing was always an issue.

With New timings poll conducted in last round. People were pretty comfortable with Late night 10 PM time slot.
As many knows, I used to prefer to sleep early or at least not to spend the evening around computers. I was not comfortable with the late-night slot.

In 2017, While planning the second round of #wpmeta was still on the todo list. I was living the Metro Lifestyle in Pune. Evening 7.00-9.30 is the time usually spent in traffic and then post lunch I started checking social media post dinner. Early to bed is still a Habit if I’m in Nagpur (My Hometown). But Now I’m comfortable with Late evening slot.

And none of Official WordPress Team meetings clash with new Timings. At least not the one, in which I try to be in lurking emoticon mode.

So let’s start the Round 2 #wpmeta chat coming Tuesday 13th Feb 2018, With Open Mic – Discussing #WPMeta Future chats and Updates in WordPress Ecosystem.

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