About WPMeta Community
We started as a Twitter chat community on 17th August 2015. Since then, we hosted a discussion on various Topics.
I’m not a professional community builder, started it as itch. After numerous discussion with attendees at WordCamp Nashik 2016, We created this website and posted the reason behind starting this community.
On 16th May 2018, Storify – a tool we used for transcribing the chat went out of Business. Fortunately, we had exported our chat data. And we decided to move to a little closed Slack Community.
Which is still in transition, people again post on Twitter than on slack. Following are a few things we learnt in the past about Community Management.
- Community Management is a tough job!
- It takes longer to build a community!
- Active members will not engage with themselves!
- Community management is not a part-time job!
- I need a team — I can’t do it all by myself!
WordPress Community is always warm, welcoming and helpful for seekers. For a learner who is getting started, All he finds about how to Install and use Core WordPress on Codex. There is a lot more world that is documented out there on the Internet in the form of Videos and Blog posts, which keeps continually updating. We want to make sure we simplify the Self-hosted WordPress Exploration Journey of any User.
To make learning Exploration Journey Simplified for one Starting with WordPress.
To make sure we have learning resources for our fellow WordPress Beginners.
Objectives for 2019
- Maintaining Newsroom in a better way
Last year we started a Self-hosted, Alltop style Feed Room for all types of WordPress news. Apart from Dot Org Team blogs and WordCamp Updates rest need a lot of makeovers. - Curating a list of Recommended Plugin & Related resources.
After storify was gone, we planned to publish a blog post for each topic which was lots of tasks, so we curated a Github List for the plugin & Resources. We try to update it as possible ways. - Interviewing Local Community Managers.
Volunteers at the community team of dot Org is doing a great job by having more meetup chapters. Each Meetup chapter is hosting awesome meetups based on the requirements of members. We are an online community, which happy to help Beginners to get started, but they need in real life support. Local meetup chapters are helping them in the best possible ways. Stories of Developers on HeroPress & Nepal Community Updates on DevotePress inspired me to think about it. Why not Interview the People who help beginners in real life. Based on my previous Community Management Journey, I would love to talk to them, Learn from them and share there Journey. - Day-long virtual conference for Users and Developers.
I’m serial WordCamper. I learned a lot by interacting with people, attending sessions. I’ve participated in 28 WordCamps and a countless number of Virtual Conferences and Webinars. WordSesh is one known for 24 Hours of WordPress learnings. Inspired from WordSesh, we plan to host a Day long virtual conference this year for Users and Developers.